Knowledge and planning

Advancecd tools for territorial complexity

Valerio Cutini (a cura di/editor)

Volume 16,00


Informazioni tecniche

2012 • 21x28 cm • 168 pages • 50 pics • softcover


Knowledge and planning - Advancecd tools for territorial complexityTen years have gone by since the birth of the Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Territoriali e Ambientali (LISTA) of the University of Pisa. An anniversary is expected to be time for celebrating, taking stock of results and faults, or, even more, highlighting the perspectives to be faced.

This volume won’t celebrate what LISTA has done; it will rather aim at presenting a brief summary of the activities so far worked out, exposing their prominent issues and the used methods, techniques and approaches, so as to point out that what does actually characterize them all is the search for the territorial knowledge (the way of extracting it, the way of using it, the way of communicating and updating it) by means of advanced techniques and methods; then, it will cast a glance towards, sketching the most promising research lines and the most fertile fields of activity.

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