The restoration of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Michele Jamiolkowski, Carlo Viggiani

Volume 5,90


Informazioni tecniche

2007 • 14x19 cm • 32 pages • 40 pics • softcover


Here is the English edition of the small publishing popular science intervention stabilization geotechnical Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The text, deliberately simplified and accompanied by numerous figures, we believe that it can be an effective information tool for any visitor.

«The Leaning Tower of Pisa is founded on weak, highly compressible soils and its inclination had been inexorably increasing over the years to the point at which it was very close to collapse. Any disturbance to the ground beneath the South side of the foundation was very dangerous; therefore the use of conventional geotechnical processes at the South side, such as underpinning, grouting, etc., involved unacceptable risks…»

See the Italian version • Vedi la versione italiana

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